
The Council of Twelve 01/28/2012

Transmission open.

We are the Council of Twelve, and we welcome you to your rightful place in our faction. We are quite pleased to be making full contact with you at this time, dear and beloved one, speaker for the Federation. There is much to discuss!

Hello beloveds, thank you for coming. Tariya came in yesterday and called me out, saying that I had made an agreement to be a translator and disseminate messages from you, the Ashtar Command, The Galactic Federation of Light, and the Sirian Starships. It was strongly impressed upon me that I shall be doing this daily.

Yes! Beloved one, yes! You have always had the ability to both receive and transmit frequencies from a broad spectrum level, meaning that you can convert most energies into verbalized expression. Why do you think we sent you off the study English and writing? It is so you would have the broad vocabulary necessary to translate so many levels of the voice and experience of Source. Before you incarnated you agreed that your material body make up would consist of an open channel to receive our communications, but also a transmission “device” if you will for magnifying our frequencies out into the world for the healing and en-lightening of you beloved Gaia and the terrestrials who have been unfairly imprisoned in the lower dimensional worlds.

Dear ones, what would you have me do? What is my service at this time?

At this time we ask you to be patient. We have heard your own vibrational transmissions about what you are feeling both personally and for the collective. You would not have been chosen for this task if you could not bear the weight of it, dear one. But, rejoice! Much is about to change! You were not abandoned on the planet earth. You have always been both here and there for as long as you have been incarnating. You falsely believe you were imprisoned there with other terrestrials but this has never been truth. In your case, you agreed to a long-term mission that would end upon the great consciousness break-through of humanity. The only way for you to continue through so many cycles was for you to forget your Self until now, beloved, until right now or you might have vibrated so fast that you would have abandoned the mission before it was complete. Through many lifetimes you have said what you still say, “I want to come home, God. I do not belong here. This is not my natural state of being.” Beam me up! [chuckles] And we told to you then, differently as we shall tell you now, that it was not time for your return, that the planet needed your support, that the terrestrials were playing in a game that had been fixed and that you, as an outsider, with many other outsiders were bound to your duty until a pre-chosen time or until the mission was complete- whichever came first.

And now?

And now you are at the home stretch. Now is the pre-determined time! Now is the beginning of the culmination of what you and your soul family have worked for in many lifetimes! You will no longer be bound to the karmic wheel and you will no longer be bound to lower dimensions. This is why your higher self, who you call Tariya, was sent to begin the retrieval process. This “you” is a very high ranking commanding officer who is in charge of  many fleets all working to anchor new earth reality and summon the starseeds home, although some of them will choose to stay. Some of them have fallen in love with Mother Earth, with the terrestrials who emerged from her womb and will continue with her. You have the choice, and up until now you have made very clear your wish to leave and return to the intergalactic community once more, free to traverse the universes of love and grace, freedom and peace. We acknowledge you: your struggle, your feelings, the horrendous injustices that have taken place because of who you are and what you are here to do. We feel your heart, so true, complete and holy beneath the wounds you have endured for the many. God bless you. There is more.

What else do you want me to know? What do you want others who might read this to know?

We would wish for you to know that you are honored for your struggles, for the work you do. We wish you to know that we are aver supporting you in it, and as you channel the numerous fleets your higher selves are a part of, we will heal you, dissolve blocks and implants, clear you field and space, rejuvenate your heart, and guide you to a life experience that supports you in your work. Whether you believe us or not, you have earned it. You are worthy and have always been so.

To those who may be reading this transmission:

We wish for you to know that we are here. Some of you pray to members of our counsel, which is made up of what you would call ascended masters or saints, as well as several members who are lesser known/remembered by humanity, who are highly ranked and benevolent star-beings who have stood by you and advocated for you at the feet of Creator, that your suffering may be eased, and that your voices may be heard throughout the cosmos, summoning light-body beings from many constellations. It is time for the galactic community to make itself known through a broader spectrum or scale. We are here enforcing divine mandate of the collective humanity. This means that humanity as a whole must decide its direction, and the collective has decided it wishes to be freed from the iron grip of lower forces, known to some as dark cabal or shadow government/illuminati. You may think of the galactic forces as the muscle behind your declaration of freedom. We are not permitted to impose upon you what we think is best; it is your show and you must decide what you want. Even your primitive science has proven that energy unobserved is in waves, providing broad potentials for manifestation. When you look upon this wave it snaps to your point of attention and behaves like a particle or material/solid object. Why do we bring this to you attention? Because we wish for you to begin to understand the quantum nature of reality, that all things and all beings exist in many places at once. There is a version of you living the life you dream of in an alternate dimension of reality. This is a version of you that is living out your worst nightmare in an alternate reality. There is an ascended you already rejoicing in the light and freedom of the fifth dimension, and there is a you, held perfectly in the mind of your Source that is perfect and fully enlightened in all ways. This is the true you, and you live in the mind of God, held there in perfection forevermore, so you always know the way home.

We are aware that things look bleak from your perspective. Our own channel has been deeply discouraged as she reads about the impact being made on the planet and food supply, as she reads stories of those who suffer. She cannot see how humanity will overthrow the “powers that be,” in time to restore the planet to her natural pristine beauty. And our message to her and you alike is that you do not have to do this alone. Every being on your planet that is not in human for supports the ascension of Gaia. Every tree, rock, flower, blade of grass, the crystalline core of your mother earth is shifting the balance with you. Remember those other selves we just spoke about?? There are beings from the future who return to alter pivotal events in your timeline to restore balance. Then there are the starseeds who may appear as regular persons with regular problems and on an illusionary level; that is correct, but many of them are doing untold and unseen work that affects thousands, millions of souls- sometimes more. Humanity is being supported by many fleets of starships from many corners of the universe who have a stake in what happens on earth. Some of our high ranking emissaries, galactic regents, and honorable advocates are there! We are just beyond your sight beloveds, but rest assured we are here, at the ready to act when you reach the tipping point as a collective. Please, dear ones, accept out gift. In these words we offer coding to break open the locks places upon you. We stand for Love.

Thank you Counsel of Twelve, we are very grateful for you loving transmission.

Thank you.


Who Channeled This?

Tariya (formerly known as “Thirdeye Arianna”) is a natural channel for divine grace and light. She has been commissioned to begin this formal practice in this new and divinely authorized space to support others through the great transitional process that has been popularly termed, “Ascension.” She has been divinely authorized to use the extensive training she received through actual experience in this lifetime and many others where the tools required to aid, empower, and ease the ascension process have been earned via mastery in many realms and worlds throughout many ages of being. Channeling is the access point used to download this knowing and translate it to you in a form that is grounded enough for you to use from wherever you stand on your path. She has been specifically instructed to provide this aid to awakening starseeds and others who are scheduled by their Source and Oversoul to make this transition in this lifetime. Many will take this opportunity. The time is now. Your time is now. Right now. If you have waiting for a sign, consider it delivered. Now, will you take the next step and meet the future you have been calling forward?

The Council of Twelve 12/28/2012

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